So mathematics and logic have been around since time bagan but over time philosophers have come up with new theories to explain numbers and their origins. In Ancient Greece philosophers such as Plato believed that Greek numbers were derived from geometry and the art of music and the first number that existed was the number two. For example, the number three has its origins from a triangle which is a three sided geometric shape. You can count the sides of a triangle and the answer is three. This is known as the Platonic theory of numbers and Plato also continues to argue in his writings that all numbers are related to each other through ratios. Using the example of a piano all the keys are in ratio to each other from the note C.The note C is almost the base note which determines the other notes as note E is a specific ratio of C and so is B. Each ratio equates to a certain number which is then used to describe mathematics. Therefore, the one way in which numbers can be understood are in relation to others otherwise mathematics canot be interpreted properly. You need to understand a whole system before you are able to analyse individual parts within a system.
One crucial part of the Greek numerical system is that it did not contain the number zero. The number zero was first used in India by the religion of Islam. Aristotle argued that it was not possible to have the number zero as the definition of zero was that zero was nothing, for example if there are no apples on a table you say "there were no apples on the table". But the number zero was something otherwise it cannot mean nothing. A number cannot be nothing and also something, therefore zero does not exist.
Giuseppe Peano
(27 August 1858 – 20 April 1932) |
However, modern philosophers such as Guiseppe Peano and Bertrand Russell believe that zero can be regarded as a natural number. Peano was an italian mathematician who argued that zero was a real number that could be used to count objects and could also be used in mathematical operations such as addition and multiplication. He also believed that there were numbers that were lower than zero (negative numbers) but these cannot be used for counting as it was impossible to have minus objects. For example, you cannot have minus 2 bananas and then add 3 bananas as you do not have anything to start off with with. Russell had similar theories to those of Peano and used analytical philosophy to explain mathematics. He argued that mathematics was a form of language and each number had its own individual class. For example, the number 5 is a word to describe a class that contains all classes that have 5 objects and we know this through the method of counting. Counting creates a group or category that can be described using natural numbers such as 4 or 7. As human beings we are able to instinctively count up to seven objects before actually physically counting them as 1...2...3..4...5. There is a process that we undertake to calculate numbers:
Natural number + process (known as a syntax)= predicate (outcome which can be a larger or smaller number depending on the process)
These predicates can be analysed by applying mathematical operations such as square roots and division. For example, the number 5 can be multiplied by 10 to make the answer 50 but the number 50 can be divided by 10 to get the answer 5. Therefore, mathematics could be applied to all fields such as physics and even mechanics and played an important part in everyday life even if it was simply counting schoolchildren.